Hip Implant Lawsuit

What are the Hip Implant Lawsuits All About?

Hip implant surgery is the most common type of hip replacement surgery in the United States. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are approximately 1.1 million people who have undergone hip implant surgery, with an average cost of $13,000 per patient. The majority of patients receive the implants within six weeks after their surgery.

After initial evaluation, surgeons determine if they can safely remove the implant and replace it with a bone graft. Hip implantation is a procedure that involves inserting a metal plate into the hip joint to create a new, smaller, and more flexible joint. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and is usually performed in a hospital. The procedure can be done in the hospital or in an outpatient clinic.

If you will need to have your hip repaired your surgeon will give you a referral to a hip replacement surgeon who will perform this procedure. It can take up to 3 months for the surgery to be completed.

2. Hip replacements / device information / Lawsuits?

Hip replacements are performed in the United States by doctors who specialize in hip replacements. Hip replacement procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia. The procedure itself is usually done in a hospital.  Hip Implants are very common in USA. An orthopedic surgeon performs this procedure. The hip implant is used for the substitution of damaged hip sockets. This medical “device usually consists of three parts” that allow the patient to move his hips normally.

  • Femoral Stem: This part is inside the thighbone of the patient

  • Femoral Head: The femoral stem is attached.

  • Acetebulum: Here you can find the femoral head.

Hip replacements have a very high rate of effectiveness. The implant can take a minimum of 10 years to 30 years in normal wear. Bear in mind, however, that all medical devices eventually reach their end therefore replacement may be necessary.  Among the common reasons for using the device are:

  • Infection

  • Fractured or loosened implant / Implant that has broken or loosened

  • The supporting bone around the implant gets broken / The implant supporting  bone is breached

  • Untimely wear of the plastic components /  Premature wear of plastic pieces

It is extremely unfortunate that in the first two years after hip substitution, some patients reported defects and malfunctions.

The system was recalled because of the huge number of reports.

Symptoms of a faulty implant are as follows:

  1. Implant instability or dislocation that  makes it inconvenient for the patient

  2. The bloodstream is flowing through its metal parts. It can cause life-threatening tissue reaction. The metal parts can be “toxic”.

  3. The break in bones / Bone briskness

It is best to get the medical advice of an accident specialist whenever you or the beloved falls from a failed hip implant. You must find someone specializing in defective medical equipment to ensure that you are properly represented in court. You can get the rewards you deserve. In determining the amount of your hip implant lawsuit, the following are the variables considered by the lawyer.

  1. The pain and suffering the patient has suffered

  2. The age and general health of the patient

  3. The number of toxins into the bloodstream of the patient

  4. Lost wages due to injuries to hip substitution

How is it done?

The process starts with an incision in your skin above the hip. A needle or other device is inserted through this incision. Then another needle is pushed down through the hole on top of your skin. You are then given a small amount of a drug called a prostaglandin, which relaxes the muscles in the area. The implant is then placed into your hip and the metal plates are removed. This procedure takes about 30 minutes to complete. 

You will need to have your doctor write a prescription for the implant. Your doctor will also have to check that your implant has been removed and that the plate is no longer in place. If you have a hip implant, you will be able to wear prosthesis for a short period of time.

hip implant lawsuit

Have you or a family member suffered complications or serious side effects or death?

If you or a family member has had an issue with a Hip Implant and have any legal questions related to illness or death, contact an attorney right away to discuss your case.

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